Ceo Massage


"Chairman" Of Akhi International

Akhi International is an ethical and equitable manpower recruitment company in Bangladesh with a demonstrated history of serving as one of the premier recruitment agency for the past 15 years. We have been supplying human resources throughout the globe since 2007, however, we are still focused on improving ourselves and addressing our challenges to deliver the most ethical recruitment service to all.In the numerous seas of manpower agency, what makes us the most reliable recruitment agency is our dedication and well-versed team of expertise who collaborates to provide a comprehensive and effective service and is able to cope with every recruitment needs. Our commitment is aimed at finding the right person for the right job as per the demand of our valued customers around the world. We align ourselves with our clients and candidates as partners to assist them in fulfilling their human resource requirements by focusing on different methods to eliminate unethical procedures.Unskilled workers are trained and given opportunities for employment abroad.

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We are always ready to answer any kind of your questions. Contact our hotline number to get your question answered.

Contact Us

House #79 (4th Floor) Block-L , New Airport Road Banani, Dhaka-1213, Bangladesh.বনানী সৈনিক ক্লাব সিগন্যাল মামা হোটেলের দক্ষিণ পাশের বিল্ডিং